Akari Ginger Brown Ale by Akari Brewing

Akari Ginger Brown Ale is a 4.5% spiced beer from Akari Brewing, based in Tottori city, in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Akari Ginger Brown Ale is brewed with 100% Nikko ginger that has been aged for 5 months before being cut up and added to the beer post fermentation.

Akari Ginger Brown Ale・アカリジンジャーブラウンエール

Akari Ginger Brown Ale Aroma and Taste

Akari Ginger Brown Ale poured out a hazy reddish brown colour with a small amount of pure white head on top. The ginger was present from the get go. I was honestly thinking it was going to be some pungent gingerbread mess but it was more subdued and in balance with the caramel coming from the malts. Those looking for some hoppy adventures will find nothing in Akari Ginger Brown Ale – not even the vaguest hint of citrus.

The body obviously had a large ginger element to it with some spicy caramel elements coming along for the ride. The best way to describe Akari Ginger Brown Ale would be a liquid form of restrained gingerbread. Akari Ginger Brown Ale doesn’t really get going past those flavours, which isn’t a bad thing, but those looking for something more complex will be left wanting. It finishes off with a lingering spicy ginger bite that is sweet but soon forgettable.

Akari Ginger Brown Ale The Bottom Line

Akari Ginger Brown Ale turned out better than expected, but still, one is enough.

Where to Buy Akari Ginger Brown Ale

Akari Ginger Brown Ale can be bought at the following places:

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