Distant Shores Galaxy Haze by Distant Shores Brewing

Distant Shores Galaxy Haze is a 7% NE-IPA from Distant Shores Brewing, based in Higashimurayama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their draft only range and can be found across bars in Tokyo. Distant Shores Galaxy Haze is brewed primarily using Galaxy hops, one of Australia’s best known domestic hops.

Distant Shores Galaxy Haze・ディスタントショアーズギャラクシーヘイズ

Distant Shores Galaxy Haze Aroma and Taste

Distant Shores Galaxy Haze poured out a hazy dull orange juice-like colour with a minimal amount of head – but that could have been due to the great headless pours at Two Fingers in Ikebukuro. The aroma coming off of Distant Shores Galaxy Haze was a muted orange and passionfruit, that was dulled out by an unusual eggy-like nose to it, along with a cheesy funk going on in it. It had some of the hop nose like a NE-IPA should have but that weird aroma couldn’t be shaken.

The body had more of that same unusual sulphide cheesy body to it – not pleasant and it was left to one member of the group to drink the remainder of the beer. Distant Shores Galaxy Haze had a background grassy taste to it too. The fruit juice flavour was there with hints of orange and passionfruit but those lingering off-flavours put me off from having any more. The flavours were so strong, I could still taste them after having a different beer.

Distant Shores Galaxy Haze The Bottom Line

I hope that this was an off batch but I really wouldn’t recommend Distant Shores Galaxy Haze to anyone. If it was deliberate, then clearly I’m missing the joke.

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