Home Beer Review Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale by Sankt Gallen

Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale by Sankt Gallen

by Rob

Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale is a 5% spice beer from Sankt Gallen, based in Atsugi, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale is brewed using apples, cinnamon, ginger, and ichijuku, or Japanese figs. Why the last one is Japanese and not in English is lost on us at BeerTengoku. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale is a one-off or not.

Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale・サンクトガーレン・フルーツタルトエール

Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale Aroma and Taste

This was the second time for me to drink Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale as I had it previously at Baker and Beer Butcher’s in Hon-Atsugi. Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale poured out a hazy ruby brown colour with an initial large amount of plump, frothy white head on top that collapsed very slowly in on itself to a much thinner ring. You can see how high the head reached by the bubbles on the side of the glass – nothing was drunk (or could be drunk) until the head had subsided. Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale smelt like Christmas cake and apple pies rolled into one – the rich cinnamon and ginger permeated through the head. The bottled version, due to aging, was more subdued than the kegged version.

It was only in the body that all of the flavours could be compared. I was excepting a spice bomb, but Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale had a good balance of flavours with no one flavour overpowering the rest. The apples and figs brought a sweet stickiness to trade off against the cinnamon and ginger that came through. It was like someone had blended a freshly baked apple pie into a beer – the only thing that was missing was the nutmeg. Perhaps an addition for version 2? The lingering spices in the aftertaste were warming and well pronounced.

Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale The Bottom Line

Now Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale has been aged, it’s far more subdued and more balanced – I enjoyed it but one is enough.

Where to Buy Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale

Sankt Gallen Fruit Tart Ale can be bought at the following places:

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