Myoko Kogen Golden Ale by Myoko Kogen Beer

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale is as 5% golden ale from Myoko Kogen Beer, based in Myoko Kogen, in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of the autumn seasonal line up and can be found in bottles and on tap across Japan.

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale 妙子高原ゴールデンエール

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale Aroma and Taste

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale poured out a murky brownish orange colour with no head at all. I mean nothing! Those bubbles on the side there may have been from washing up liquid but I’ll never know. Myoko Kogen Golden Ale had a sour sweet nose to it with some funky yeast notes coming off of it. Not pleasant ones either – just some weird acidic sour notes that dominated over the aroma profile for the beer. Once it had warmed up, there was still a lingering funk to it that just wasn’t nice. The faint biscuit malt didn’t do anything to take the edge off the beer too.

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale didn’t fair well in the body either – again the sour notes just being far too pronounced and domineering. The biscuit from the malts was perhaps the only saving grace of the beer. Golden ales are supposed to have a slight sour edge to them, but not something this strong.

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale The Bottom Line

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale wasn’t a nice beer to drink and was either poorly made or infected.

Where to Buy Myoko Kogen Golden Ale

Myoko Kogen Golden Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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