Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh is a 5% sour beer from Far Yeast Brewing Company, based in Yamanashi, Japan. Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh is part of their collaborative range of beers with this one coming from a brew they did with Culmination Brewing. Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh is a fruit sour made through fermentation with the addition of sour cherry juice using kettle souring. The kettle souring method is a relatively new sour ale production method, and is also known as “quick souring.” In this method it’s common to use lactic ferment wort in a boiling pot to acidify the beer, which is referred to as boiling kettle.

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh ファーイースト クリーク イン ザ フレッシュ

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh Aroma and Taste

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh poured out a translucent ruby red colour with a reddish white head on top that faded fast to a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. It had a distinctly sour cherry smell, with a hint of sweetness in the beer too. There was a faint hint of lemon in Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh once it had warmed up

The sourness was present from start to finish but it wasn’t overpowering nor did it screw my face up. The lactic acid used to make Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh was though the strongest “flavour” with the cherry notes coming through as well. It wasn’t a complex beer though by any means – cherry and sourness was all that I really picked up. It would have been nice to have had some woody flavours perhaps to offset some of the fruit and sourness, but it’s a kettle sour so can’t expect too much.

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh The Bottom Line

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh is a straight up kettle sour and does it well though purists may dislike its production style, it certainly is a sour fruit beer.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh

Far Yeast Kriek in the Flesh can be bought online at the following places:

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