Hideji Shi Shu 2018 by Miyazaki Hideji Beer

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 is a 5% fruit beer from Miyazaki Hideji Beer, based in Nobeoka, in Miyazaki, Japan. It’s part of their autumn season lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. This 2018 edition is brewed using ale malt, rather than the regular pilsner malt that is used, alongside the usual Aya Purple, a kind of locally grown sweet potato. Hideji Shi Shu 2018 is hopped with Nugget, Simcoe, Amarillo, Cascade, and Mosaic.

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 宮崎ひでじ紫秋2018 1Hideji Shi Shu 2018 宮崎ひでじ紫秋2018 2

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 Aroma and Taste

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 poured out a hazy orange purple colour with a large amount of frothy white head on top that, in the right light, had a slight orangey-purple tinge to it. There was a strong roasted sweet potato-like aroma to it, with some citrus and pine coming through once it had warmed up. The ale malts didn’t bring anything worthy of mention to the beer – strange for the brewery to put a heavy focus on this aspect and not utilise it more in the actual flavour profile.

The body was initially bitter, but then the soft carbonation helped take some of the edge off of it. Hideji Shi Shu 2018 reminded me somewhat of Coedo Beniaka – the malty body paired with the roasted potato quality to it. However, the citrus flavours helped differentiate the pair once Hideji Shi Shu 2018 had warmed up. The strangest thing about this beer was the peculiar aftertaste – a sticky residue on the palate with some lingering sweet potato quality.

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 The Bottom Line

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 isn’t the worst fruit / vegetable beer I’ve had, but I doubt I would buy it again besides for a present.

Where to Buy Hideji Shi Shu 2018

Hideji Shi Shu 2018 can be bought online at the following places:

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