Myoko Kogen Pilsner by Myoko Kogen Beer

Myoko Kogen Pilsner is a 5% Czech pilsner from Myoko Kogen Beer, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Unlike most pilsners in Japan, Myoko Kogen Pilsner is brewed to a traditional Czech recipe and uses imported Czech Saaz hops as well.

Myoko Kogen Pilsner 妙高高原ピルスナー

Myoko Kogen Pilsner Aroma and Taste

Myoko Pilsner poured out a slight hazy bright golden yellow colour with a plump white head on top that lingered for ages. There was a sweet, slightly bitter aroma coming off the beer, along with a buttery nose to it as well – perhaps it had oxidised or there were some problems during bottling? The Saaz hops came through once Myoko Kogen Pilsner had warmed up – but only just!

The body had more of the same problems as the nose – an oxidised punch to it that let down the rest of the flavours. A biscuity base came through but the butteriness just left an unpleasant taste on my tongue during drinking. The bitterness was also quite strong for a pilsner as well but again, that could have been due to bottling issues?

Myoko Kogen Pilsner The Bottom Line

First, and last, time to try this as it didn’t leave a good impression.

Where to Buy Myoko Kogen Pilsner

Myoko Kogen Pilsner can be bought online at the following places:

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