Kirishima Amber by Kirishima Beer

Kirishima Amber is a 5% amber from Kirishima Beer, based in Miyazaki, in Kyushu, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round series and can be found in both bottles and on tap, though the latter is hard to find outside of the Kyushu area. Kirishima Amber has won a few awards – with two bronze medals for at The International Beer Cup in 2017 for American style amber ale.

Kirishima Amber 霧島アンバー

Kirishima Amber Aroma and Taste

Kirishima Amber poured out a deep copper red colour with a medium amount of clean white head on top. It had a sweet caramel aroma with a distinct earthy and noble hop aroma to it – nothing like the American ambers I’ve had of recent. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Kirishima Amber was more a European amber ale from the hop notes. There was the faintest of faint citrus notes to it, but the malt was the main star today.

The body was more sweet than bitter, with an earthy noble hoppiness to it that lingered throughout drinking. I still don’t understand how Kirishima Amber got a bronze for being an American amber as it really is nothing like one I’ve tried, so I’m guessing the awarding body just shoved Kirishima Amber into that category. There was a slight bitterness to it once it had warmed up but that’s only because I was looking for it. The caramel malt flavour lasted briefly before fading to the earthy hop flavour the body had too.

Kirishima Amber The Bottom Line

Kirishima Amber is a solid amber but it’s no way an American amber.

Where to Buy Kirishima Amber

Kirishima Amber can be bought online at the following places:

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