Iwami Honey Draft by Iwami Bakushu

Iwami Honey Draft is a 4.5% blonde beer from Iwami Bakushu, based in Shimane, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and was first released in 2017 though how long it’s limited for is unknown. Iwami Honey Draft is brewed with imported US Simcoe hops and honey from Masuda city.

Iwami Honey Draft 石見ハニードラフト

Iwami Honey Draft Aroma and Taste

Iwami Honey Draft poured out a dark golden orange colour with a large frothy white head on top. The head faded fast and left a sticky residue on the side of the glass. Iwami Honey Draft had a strong honey aroma to it, with some lemony notes too.

The body was quite dry and sweet – the yeast had done its job on the honey. However, I would have liked some more of a honey sweetness to have come through. Iwami Honey Draft had a slight lemony bitterness to it but only when it had warmed up. The lingering malty caramel character stayed right through until the end.

Iwami Honey Draft The Bottom Line

Iwami Honey Draft is one of the better efforts from Iwami Bakushu but I would have liked more honey flavour to have come through.

Where to Buy Iwami Honey Draft

Iwami Honey Draft can be bought online at the following places:

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