Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge by Nishijin Ale Project

Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge is a 6% fruit beer from Nishijin Ale Project based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their all year round lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s brewed using an English IPA base and then has yuzu added to it during the secondary fermentation stages.

Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge 西陣エール柚子無碍

Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge Aroma and Taste

Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge poured out a hazy dark orange brown colour with a large amount of frothy white head. The head faded fast to leave some remnants around the edge of the glass. The aroma was most peculiar though. Hints of buttery diacetyl came through with lashings of yuzu too. It seems strange to make an IPA and then use yuzu to give it citrus aromas – surely, that’s what the hops in an IPA are supposed to do?

The yuzu was more potent in the body than any other flavour – including the buttery diacetyl flavours. It’s a weird beer that doesn’t seem to be welcoming nor drinkable, as when it got warmer, the off butteriness came through stronger too. Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge had some bitterness to it, but nothing offensive nor outstanding.

Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge The Bottom Line

If Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge is a work in progress, then there’s a lot of work to be done to it.

Where to Buy Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge

Nishijin Ale Yuzu Muge can be bought online at the following flavours:

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