Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast is a 6% Belgian IPA from Far Yeast Brewing Company, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and follows the Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA with this one using a medium roast coffee from Bicycle Coffee, based in Tokyo. This medium roast uses a blend of Asdeflor, Huehuetenango, Guatemala coffee. At the time of writing, it’s unknown if Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast is a one-off, or if there will be more in the series.

Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast ファーイースト バイシクル コーヒー アイピーエー ミディアムロースト

Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast Aroma and Taste

Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast poured out like an English IPA – a dark copper body with a plump white head on top. The aroma was confusing – both a lemon, peach nose but punctuated by coffee aromas of chocolate and a roasted smokiness to it. The coffee aromas got stronger as it warmed up, dominating over the traditional hoppy nose; however, that hoppiness did cling on for as long as possible. In fact, if I had closed my eyes, I would have guessed this was an ice coffee with some lemon thrown in.

It’s a bitter beer – both from the hops and also the coffee beans as well. Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast had a roasted bitter kick to it that paired with the caramel flavour from the malt nicely, though the IPA aspect did feel lacking in comparison. As it warmed up, the coffee flavours only became stronger and like in the nose, dominated over the IPA base. There was lingering roasted chocolate aftertaste to Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast with a hint of bitterness.

Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast The Bottom Line

I like coffee in my stouts and porters as it tends to enhance flavours rather than dominate them, like in Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast

Far Yeast Bicycle Coffee IPA Medium Roast can be bought online at the following places:

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