Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale by Ise Kadoya

Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale is a 5% red ale from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale continues with the hanakin series, with this one having yeast harvested from roses included during the brewing process. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale is a one-off or will be rebrewed later this year.

Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale 伊勢角屋ローズレッドエール

Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale Aroma and Taste

After hearing this was a red ale, and based on yeast harvested from roses, I was expecting something more lurid or artificial – but thankfully Ise Kadoya aren’t into “instagrammable” beers. Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale poured out a hazy dull reddish brown colour with a slightly off-white head on top which faded pretty fast. There was a sweet caramel nose to it, but there wasn’t much else going on maltwise. There was a green apple, estery nose to it as well as an earthy hopiness to it

At 5%, Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale isn’t the strongest beer we’ve had on BeerTengoku but the alcohol came through quite strongly on this one. It had an estery fruity body with some smoothness from being carbonated quite low. It was quite drinkable when chilled but then when it had warmed up, the estery flavours also became more pronounced too. It finished off with a slight bitter twang and the earthy mustiness just lingering enough to be detected.

Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale The Bottom Line

The “hanakin” series is an interesting concept but for me, Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale didn’t really stand out nor does it warrant another purchase.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale

Ise Kadoya Rose Red Ale can be bought at the following places:

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