Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA By Kiuchi Brewery

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA is a 6% American IPA from Kiuchi Brewery, based in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s part of a collaborative effort with Daytona and Transporter (both Japanese magazines) with the former being about motorcycles (alcohol and vehicles being a big nono in Japan) and the latter being a beer magazine. Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA is brewed with freshly pressed coconut and also Mosaic, Amarillo, and Chinook hops.

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA 常陸野ネストビール ブリューベースイージーライドIPA

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA Aroma and Taste

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA poured out surprisingly dark for an American IPA, with a deep copper orange colour and plump white head on top. There was a creamy coconut nose to it, along with some lemon peach aromas coming off of it too. Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA had a slight bitter and caramel nose to it – but it didn’t smell like any other Hitachino Nest Beer that I’ve had – and I’ve tried them all except the Anbai Ale – which isn’t readily available in Japan.

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA supposedly has an IBU of 20 but you wouldn’t have guessed as it has a bitter kick to it from the get go. The creamy coconut body was weird, but also quite nice and different as well. Along with some caramel peachy undertones to it, Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA was very drinkable on the near 30c day I managed to buy a can. It finished off with a lingering coconut flavour which was slightly punctuated by a bitterness to it.

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA The Bottom Line

If coconut IPAs are going to be a new style in Japan, then Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA was enjoyable enough. I would definitely drink it again.

Where to Buy Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA

Hitachino Eazy Ride IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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