Minami Yokohama Beer Labo Beer Review Roundup

Rather than writing our usual whole page review for a beer, we’ve come up with this mini review page for Minami Yokohama Beer Labo Beer.

Minami Yokohama Beer Labo Beer 3Minami Yokohama Beer Pale Ale Details

ABV: 5.1%

IBU: 20

Style: American Pale Ale

Minami Yokohama Beer Pale Ale Mini Review

Appearance: Slightly cloudy golden yellow colour with a light frothy white head on top.

Nose: Piney lemon nose with a subtle biscuit edge to it.

Body: Maybe yeast hadn’t been drawn off as slight funk to it. Lemon and grapefruit with a hint of tartness to it. Straightforward pale ale.

Minami Yokohama Beer Belgian White Details

ABV: 5.6%

IBU: 11

Style: Witbier

Minami Yokohama Beer Belgian White Mini Review

Appearance: Cloudy golden straw colour with a plump white head on top.

Nose: Citrus with hints of lemon, grapefruit, orange and a slight coriander nose to it.

Body: Crisp and dry with a lemony flavour to it. Coriander brought some spice to it. Finished off with slight yeast funk to the beer. Decently made and one of their better beers.

Minami Yokohama Beer Labo Beer 2

Minami Yokohama Beer IPA Details

ABV: 6.8%

IBU: 66

Style: American IPA

Minami Yokohama Beer IPA Mini Review

Appearance: Slightly hazy amber and an off-white head.

Nose: Hoppy, citrus and pine notes.

Body: Your typical American IPA- bitter and heavy on the hops, not much else. Serviceable though.

Minami Yokohama Beer Labo Beer 4Minami Yokohama Beer Porter Details

ABV: 6.3%

IBU: 16.7%

Style: English porter

Minami Yokohama Beer Porter Mini Review

Appearance: Pitch black body with a tan-coloured head to it.

Nose: Rough black malt nose with some coffee and light chocolate to it. Boozy aroma to it. Seems unfinished and a bit young.

Body: Acrid twang to it from black malts. Bitter but not in a good way. Coffee and chocolate but weird funk to it.

Minami Yokohama Beer Labo Beer 5Minami Yokohama Beer Imperial Torigara IPA Details

ABV: 7.6%

IBU: 66

Style: Imperial IPA

Minami Yokohama Beer Imperial Torigara IPA Mini Review

Appearance: Deep amber, slightly hazy. White fluffy head.

Nose: Hoppy, malty.

Body: Fortunately not chicken-y. The Imperial IPA-typical hoppiness is tempered by the silkiness of the chicken stock.

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