Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison by Tamamura Honten

Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison is a 5.5% saison from Tamamura Honten, based in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range, and was first released in February 2018. The name comes from those skiiing ahem snowboarding days where the snow is fluffy and white, while the sky is a clear blue colour with not a cloud in sight.

Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison 志賀高原ブルーバードディセゾン

Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison Aroma and Taste

Ok, we’re a bit late to this one. But I have a excuse. I took a break from BeerTengoku for a while (doubt many people realised) due to an impending health check but it’s time to catch up with beers. Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison was picked up during the small jaunt around Kyoto, where I ended up at Yamaoka Saketen. That was always going to be a given but hey, when in Kyoto.

Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison poured out a hazy dark orange colour with a plump fluffy white head on top. The head didn’t last long, though it gave way to an orange, phenolic twang with lots of yeast funk coming through. There was also some spiciness going on, with hints of cloves and ginger too.

The body had some more of that phenolic Belgian yeast aspect going on. I suspect that Joe would not be able to drink this beer as it disagreed with me – but not in the taste. It had a crisp bite to it with the ginger and orange being very nice. Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison didn’t taste like your typical saison with this being fruitier than your usual Belgian saison.

Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison The Bottom Line

The fruitiness in Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison isn’t going to be to everyone’s liking – it ain’t your typical saison and don’t approach it as one.

Where to Buy Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison

Shiga Kogen Blue Bird Day Saison can be bought online at the following places:

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