Iwami Belgian White by Iwami Bakushu

Iwami Belgian White is a 5% witbier from Iwami Bakushu, based in Shimane, Japan. It’s part of their all year round range of beers, and can be found in bottles. Iwami Belgian White is brewed using locally sourced sansho pepper and lemons from the Hiroshima area. On top of this, it also contains rice kouji (the stuff used to make sake from rice), coriander, and yuzu too. Talk about a lot going into a beer. As such, Iwami Belgian White is classed as a happoshu.

Iwami Belgian White 石見ベルギーホワイト

Iwami Belgian White Aroma and Taste

After the (dreadful) session IPA from Iwami Bakushu, I really wasn’t looking forward to Iwami Belgian White at all. However, at least when it poured out, Iwami Belgian White looked like it was supposed to. It had a hazy golden body with a medium amount of frothy white head on top. The aroma though was like a firework of aromas going off – a spicy, lemon, crackery punch to the nose came through when it had warmed up. I kind of wished I had drunk it chilled now. I say lemon but it was hard to tell if it was lemon or the yuzu coming through – why put both of them into a beer is beyond me.

Drinking Iwami Belgian White warmed up was kind of my mistake. I poured it out, took a picture, and then had to make a video call. But I’m glad I drank it warmer than usual. The flavours were like a cacophony of tastes; a peppery, lemon bite, with some coriander coming through too. It seemed to be quite a lot for the thin body to take. But it worked. Just. The lingering flavours of lemon / yuzu meant the peppery sensations were brief and welcome.

Iwami Belgian White The Bottom Line

I was surprised by Iwami Belgian White – it’s not a bad effort on an oft-tried style.

Where to Buy Iwami Belgian White

Iwami Belgian White can be bought online at the following places:

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