Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA by Onidensetsu Beer

Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA is an 8% double IPA from Onidensetsu Beer, based in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido. It’s part of their annual release for setsubun and can be found on draft only. The name Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA translates into “the monster is outside” though at 8%, you could argue its inside the beer.

Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA 登別鬼は外IPA

Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA Aroma and Taste

Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA came up with a minimal amount of flat white head and a hazy golden honey colour. The aroma was astounding – lashings of grapefruit, lemon, orange, and tropical fruits too. The malt brought a slight biscuity aroma to the beer but the hops were so well-balanced that I couldn’t think about anything else.

The body had a strong bitterness to it, with citrus fruits coming through in the body too. Grapefruit, lemon, orange paired off with a slight sweetness to it that reminded me of caramel, but it wasn’t potent. Even at 8%, the alcohol just didn’t bring any heat or take anything away from the hops. Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA finished off with a bitter flurry of hops and left me wanting more. So I got another pint.

Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA The Bottom Line

Noboribetsu Oni wa Soto IPA is an astounding beer and shows why Onidensetsu Beer have a great reputation for their draft beers.

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