Ise Kadoya PaPa Ale by Ise Kadoya Beer

PaPa Ale is a 4% session pale ale by Ise Kadoya. It’s made with, according to the bottle, “seven different types of malt and uniquely scented hops”. Let’s see how it fares.

PaPa Ale by Ise Kadoya 伊勢角谷のパパエールセッションペールエール

Ise Kadoya PaPa Ale Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya PaPa Ale pours out a slightly opaque golden colour with a slim, off-white head of foam. The nose is juicy and piney from the hops, with a little bit of resin in there.

Tasting it, I’m getting dried mango and bitter hops. It’s definitely been dry hopped, this one. It’s a light and crisp beer, like a pale ale should be, but where the hell are those malts they mentioned? SEVEN TYPES of malts, and not a whiff (figuratively and literally) of any of them.

Oh wait, I just found (I mean made up) the malt list! Here we go! Wow, these malts have interesting names. They are:

  • Ghost malt
  • Air malt
  • Ant’s fart in a typhoon malt
  • Imaginary phantom malt
  • No malt
  • Invisible malt
  • Mist malt

So, that clears up that then! There are apparently malts in this beer, but you have to drink it in another plane of existence to taste them. Here on plain old Earth Prime, all we’re getting is hoppy hops and juicy dried fruit. Which isn’t a problem, really, but if you’re going to say there are seven types of malt in this, it had better taste even a little bit malty.

Also, I’ve been drinking so many hoppy beers lately that I was on the verge of being able to name the hop in this. It was on the tip of my tongue. Arggh! At some point I’ll be able to do it.

Ise Kadoya PaPa Ale The Bottom Line

A nice, light, sessionable pale ale. Hoppy and juicy, but not malty at all though. Ise Kadoya rarely disappoint… and they don’t here as well. Ha!

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya PaPa Ale

Ise Kadoya PaPa Ale can be bought online at the following places

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