Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager by Oh! La! Ho Beer

Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager is a 4.5% India Pale Lager from Oh! La! Ho Beer, based in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and was first released in 2017. It has nothing to do with Thrash Zone in Yokohama, rather it’s just another collaborative effort with Transporter Beer magazine.

Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager

Aye aye captain – you’ve become my best mate.

Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager Aroma and Taste

I enjoyed Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Extra Pale Ale a lot and it’s something that offers up as a nice alternative to Aooni IPA for cheapness and “cost performance” as my wife likes to call it. Seeing Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager on the shelf at both Lawson’s and Seijo Ishii intrigued me as I had clearly missed out on this coming out due to being in the UK.

Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager poured out a golden yellow colour with a large frothy white head that collapsed to a thin ring of bubbles around the edge of the glass. It was definitely hoppy with lashings of citrus and grapefruit coming through, along with some piney undertones bubbling underneath the surface of it. There was a slight sweet biscuitness to the beer as well though the hops were first and foremost on show today.

Drinking Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager proved to be as exciting as the first time I tried Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Extra Pale Ale – a lip-smacking citrus bite to it that lingered until the piney resinous tones came through. It had a sharp bitterness to it but the sweetness helped to allay it somewhere until the aftertaste which was more of the same.

Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager The Bottom Line

It looks like I’ve found a decent cheap craft beer – if only I could find it more often.

Where to Buy Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager

Oh! La! Ho Captain Crow Thrash Lager can be bought online at:

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