Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine By Kumezakura Shuzo 

Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine is a 9% wheat wine from Kumezakura Shuzo, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal range though it can be found on sale until stocks run out with this bottle coming from 2015. One of the best things about Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine is that only vintage versions are sold – that is if you buy the beer this year, then the version of Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine you’re buying is one that was bottled in 2016.

Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine


Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine Aroma and Taste

Wheat wine aren’t a common style of beer in Japan, with only the Baird West Coast Wheat Wine and the Shonan Beer Wheat Wine (Joe – go and review the bloody beer already!) being the only notable ones to come to memory as I drank Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine.

Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine poured out a hazy dull orange colour with a slightly fluffy off-white head which faded fast. It had a sweet caramel aroma, with hints of peaches and wheat coming through. If you like hops, then Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine isn’t going to be for you. When it had warmed up, there was a hint of booziness to it but I was most surprised with the level of carbonation – it was neither flat nor gushing to get out of the bottle.

The body reminded me somewhat of a mild Christmas pudding – hints of oranges and peaches, along with a tad bit of dried fruit booziness came through, but the latter booziness only came through once it had warmed up. I did indeed drink Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine in two sessions – splitting half to be drunk chilled and the other warmed up with the warmed up being my personal preference. The caramel aftertaste lingered before quickly fading away and leaving no residual alcohol burn.

Time for a second one methinks…

Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine The Bottom Line

Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine is an incredibly well balanced wheat wine that will get you drunk without realising. Enjoy but you’ve been warned.

Where to Buy Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine

Daisen G Beer Wheat Wine can be bought online at the following places:

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