Brimmer Session IPA by Brimmer Brewing

Brimmer Session IPA is a 5% session IPA from Brimmer Brewing, based in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup of craft beer, under the speciality banner, and can be found in both bottles and on tap from Summer onwards. It was first released in 2016 though whether it will appear again is unknown at the time of writing. Unfortunately, there is a distinct lack of information about the hops that went into making Brimmer Session IPA, but once we find out, we’ll update this post.

Brimmer Session IPA

Brimmer Session IPA Aroma and Taste

Brimmer Session IPA poured out a golden copper colour with a meagre amount of head on top – much less than a finger’s worth and what remained quickly faded away. There was a strong hint of orange, grapefruit, and citrus throughout the drinking, without much intervention from the malts, so very much an American inspired session IPA.

The body had a strong bitter kick at first from the hops, with the malts remaining firmly in the background. Notes of grapefruit and citrus were the first to come to the forefront, with the initial kick of bitterness fading smoothly throughout drinking. It’s only when Brimmer Session IPA warms up that the malts come through to balance against the citrusy hops with a slight biscuity, caramel flavour. It finished with a bitter citrus flavour that faded fast from the palate.

Brimmer Session IPA The Bottom Line

Brimmer Session IPA isn’t a bad session IPA but it seems it’s trying too hard to be both American inspired and also British inspired.

Where to Buy Brimmer Session IPA

Brimmer Session IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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