Fujizakura Munchen Lager by Fujizakura Kanko Heights

Fujizakura Munchen Lager is a 5% helles from Fujizakura Kanko Heights, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Fujizakura Munchen Lager has an IBU of 30 and won the gold medal at the 2015 World Beer Awards for the World’s Best Helles beer – however, you won’t find that emblazoned on the side of the bottle.

Fujizakura Munchen Lager

Darker than your usual pilsner.

Fujizakura Munchen Lager Aroma and Taste

Thinking this was a helles, I was expecting something much lighter in colour than the deep amber orange colour that appeared in the glass. The head was a fluffy white colour with lots of staying power. Fujizakura Munchen Lager had a strong biscuity aroma with a slight citrus hop presence but the sweetness from the malts dominated over everything else going on.

The malt sweetness was the first thing to get me on the first sip of Fujizakura Munchen Lager – it’s unmistakeable from start to finish, even with the slight citrus punch that feebly comes through. Seeing as Fujizakura Munchen Lager was served chilled, it would have been quite apt for me to sink this in one as it did have a crisp, refreshing kick to it, but the caramel sweetness prevented me from doing that. And that is the downside to Fujizakura Munchen Lager – the sweetness is a just a slightly bit too strong for it to be a truly thirst quenching beer.

Fujizakura Munchen Lager The Bottom Line

Fujizakura Munchen Lager is a decent enough helles but the sweetness ended up being a bit too much in the end.

Where to Buy Fujizakura Munchen Lager

Fujizakura Munchen Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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