Nide Gyaru Blonde by Brimmer Brewing 

Nide Gyaru Blonde is a 5% blonde ale from Brimmer Brewing, based in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their contract range for Good Beer Faucets and as such, it’s one of the many in-house beers that can be found at the Shibuya branch. Not much is known about how Nide Gyaru Blonde is made but let me tell you this – searching for information about it caused many disturbing results to come up and I’m sure that the person next to me thinks I’m some kind of sexual deviant. The name “gyaru” is a Japanese “translation” of the English word “gal” and if you’re interested in that sub-culture, then hop on over to Wikipedia to have a read.

Good Beer Faucets Beer 3

Blonde and tanned…makes sense to call it Nide Gyaru Blonde.

Nide Gyaru Blonde Aroma and Taste

I’ve not come across Nide Gyaru Blonde in bottles – though some of the Nide Beers were available for a while – so going to Good Beer Faucets is the only chance you’ll get to try Nide Gyaru Blonde. It came up a hazy golden straw colour with a light frothy white head that lingered from start to finish. It had a malty bready aroma with some hints of citrus going on as well, but not much.

On a hot summer’s days, Nide Gyaru Blonde came up trumps with it’s slightly hoppy kick of citrus and restrained bitterness, though the malts were also present. The malts brought a crisp bready edge to Nide Gyaru Blonde that aided it being drunk quicker and quicker (well it was happy hour and it was only ¥700 for a pint so it meant I had to drink quickly). Nide Gyaru Blonde it finished off with a slight lemony edge to it, though that faded fast to leave a slight sweet taste on the tongue.

Nide Gyaru Blonde The Bottom Line

I wouldn’t say it’s worth trying to hunt down Nide Gyaru Blonde at your local store but if you’re in Good Beer Faucets, then it’s definitely worthy of a purchase.

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