Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale by Hideji Beer Brewery

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale is a 5% American pale ale from Hideji Beer Brewery, based in Noboeka, Kyushu. It’s part of their all-year round lineup of craft beer and can be found in bottles and on tap across Japan. The name roughly translates as “Silence Pale Ale” as the idea is that it reflects the peacefulness of standing in the forests in Miyazaki. It’s brewed using Cascade hops imported from the USA.

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale

Silence is golden.

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale poured out a light golden straw colour with a minimal amount of head on top – perhaps less than a finger’s worth – before collapsing in on itself. It had a potent Cascade hop aroma – very citrusy with hints of lemon and grapefruits coming off – as well as smooth floral fragrance emanating from it as well. The malt aroma was ever-so-faint but present, with a subtle caramel aroma coming off it though the hops were the star in Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale.

The hops were again the most prominent flavours in the body with the citrus, peppery bite bringing a smooth bitterness that was balanced nicely with the malts that brought the subtle caramel to the body as well. The carbonation was just right as it meant Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale was very easy drinking and would be nice on a hot summer’s day. It finished off with a citrus bitterness in the aftertaste that didn’t linger for long.

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale is a solid pale ale that is easy-drinking and tasty, and would be a good introduction into pale ales.

Where to Buy Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale

Hideji Shinkan no Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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