Hansharo English Pale Ale by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo English Pale Ale is a 5% English bitter from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It can be found in both bottles and on tap. Peculiarly, Hansharo English Pale Ale is also known as Hansharo Tarouzaemon Best Bitter which seems to make more sense than its English pale ale designation on the label. It’s brewed using imported Maris Otter and Crystal malt from the UK along with 100% Bramling Cross hops throughout brewing to give it and IBU of 25. As with the rest of Hansharo Beer’s range of beers, the label was redesigned and shows the image of Egawa Hidetatsu on the front.

Hansharo English Pale Ale

A pale ale that is actually a bitter.

Hansharo English Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Hansharo English Pale Ale poured out a hazy brown colour with a large fluffy white head on top that lasted a while before collapsing to about a quarter of the size, which then clung to the side throughout drinking. It had a sweet caramel aroma with some orange fruits coming through as well as a slight bitter aroma along with diacetyl, a buttery aroma that is common in English bitter. However, all these aromas were quite soft on the nose until Hansharo English Pale Ale had warmed up.

Hansharo English Pale Ale had quite a crisp bitter caramel taste first of all that had notes of raisins and plums in the body, which remained throughout drinking. The buttery flavour was not as pronounced in body as it was in the nose with the body having a slight sticky feel to it. Hansharo English Pale Ale wasn’t heavily carbonated either like other bitters I’ve had in the past, which was actually a nice surprise. The beer finished off with a slight sweet bitter edge in the end.

Hansharo English Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Hansharo English Pale Ale fails as a pale ale but once I knew it was supposed to be an English bitter, it’s not bad. Not a mind-blowing beer or something you should desperately search for.

Where to Buy Hansharo English Pale Ale

Hansharo English Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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