Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale by Be Easy Brewing 

Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale is a 5.1% American wheat ale from Be Easy Brewing, based in Akita, Japan. Along with their Be Easy Debbie’s Pale Ale, Be Easy Azumashi Wheat was part of their first batch of beers made back in December 2016. At the time of writing, Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale can only be found on tap in limited areas in Japan, with the Be Easy Brewing taproom being the main location – but that is in Akita. It is brewed with Maris Otter, Wheat, and Munich malts, and is hopped with Warrior and Centennial, and then they uses American Hefeweizen Ale yeast during fermentation.

Be Easy Azumashi Wheat

Very much an American wheat ale -watch out for the hops.

Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale Aroma and Taste

The first thing you notice about Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale, and not the massive amounts of head, is how hazy the body is. There is no chance of seeing anything through the body. Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale came up a dark golden wheat colour with a large fluffy white head on top, that lingered throughout drinking, though I did get it topped up, so no worries there. It had a strong biscuity wheat aroma though it was when the citrus aromas came through that it became an American wheat ale – a nice twist on a beer style that is often left flat or bland. There was also a slight yeasty funk as well but only slight.

With the addition of Warrior hops, Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale was slightly more bitter than say a hefeweizen or a Belgian wheat ale, though the bitterness was balanced nicely with the wheaty flavours nor was it overpowering. The body was more of the same as the aroma, with an edge of lemony citrus flavours just lying underneath the wheat base. It was a refreshing beer, with a dry edge to it, that would be great for sitting on the beach in the hot sun. Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale finished off with a slight bitter twang before fading to, you guessed it, a wheaty taste.

Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale The Bottom Line

I liked Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale but not as much as the Be Easy Debbie’s Pale Ale. Still, if you come across it, try it

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