Kazekami Belgian IPA by Kazekami Bakushu

Kazekami Belgian IPA is a 7% Belgian IPA from Kazekami Bakushu, based in Kawasaki, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round bottle range of beers though there isn’t much information about it out there. Unlike the Porter, this contains no spices or funky flowers, though it does have some grape juice added, and is thus classified as a happoshu beer, rather than a “beer”, but this is for tax purposes only.

Kazekami Belgian IPA

Get you funky groove on.

Kazekami Belgian IPA Aroma and Taste

Kazekami Belgian IPA poured out a dark golden orange colour that hazy due to either the chill haze or the yeast as Kazekami Belgian IPA is supposedly unfiltered. I couldn’t see any yeast sediment at the bottom of the bottle, so perhaps it’s the first option that caused the haze on the beer. It was unmistakably a Belgian inspired IPA, as the yeast funk was clear from the get go, even when it had just come fresh out of the fridge, and the hops had a citrus bite to them as well.

The body leant more towards the Belgian side with the yeast producing a phenolic flavour along with some buttery notes – aka diacetyl – which, will in small amounts were ok, I could imagine if you chose to drink a lot of this, the flavours would become overwhelming somewhat. The IPA idea was present as well with the citrus bitterness pushing the Belgian flavours aside, and leaving a slight bitterness on the palate into the aftertaste.

Kazekami Belgian IPA The Bottom Line

Kazekami Belgian IPA isn’t a potent Belgian IPA, though the Belgian flavours could be more in balance with the IPA idea next time around.

Where to Buy Kazekami Belgian IPA

Kazekami Belgian IPA isn’t available online yet. The only place I have come across it is in Le Petit L’Ouest in Shimokitazawa.

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