Hideji Hokura Kinnama by Miyazaki Hideji Beer

Hideji Hokura Kinnama is a 5% German pilsner from Miyazaki Hideji Beer that is part of their Autumn line up of craft beer. It’s brewed using locally sourced Miyazaki barley, known as hokura kinsei, thus given the beer its hokura kinnama part of the name. It’s on sale from the beginning of September onwards and can be found in both bottles and on tap.

Hideji Hokura Kinnama Aroma and Taste

Hideji Hokura Kinnama poured out a hazy golden colour with plenty of soapy white head that dissipated fairly quick to a fine layer around the glass. It had a strong maltiness to it with a sharp floral aroma followed by a subtle tartness to it as well. The aromas were very sharp and distinct and never really came together.

The body was as floral-like as the aroma though the hops, perhaps Saaz, imparted some bitterness to the beer as well. It certainly showed off the malts as there was a distinct sweetness to it that differed from the can of Kirin Ichiban I had next to it. Hideji Hokura Kinnama had some level of citrus fruits too going on: some grapefruit along with some hints of lemon too. The only downside I would say to this beer is that once it had warmed up, it did become a tad sickly sweet towards the end.

Hideji Hokura Kinnama One Line Review

Hideji Hokura Kinnama is a well-made pilsner that is very drinkable when chilled.

Where to Buy Hideji Hokura Kinnama

Hideji Hokura Kinnama can be bought online at the following places:

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