Iwate Kura Takata no Yume by Sekinoichi Shuzo.

Iwate Kura Takata no Yume is a 5% wheat / fruit beer from Sekinoichi Shuzo, based in Iwate, Japan. The “yume” part of the name doesn’t meant dream, but is rather a portmanteau, coming from two of its adjuncts yuzu, also known as Japanese citron, and ume, being Japanese plums, which are highly valued for both making umeshu (plums steeped in shochu) and also umeboshi (pickled plums). Takata no Yume is also a brand of rice, which makes this beer a hybrid of styles: rice lager, wheat beer, and also fruit. Iwate Kura Takata no Yume is part of the summer seasonal range of Sekinoichi Shuzo and can be found on draft only.

Iwate Kura Takata no Yume

Rice, yuzu, and ume. Lots going on in here.

Iwate Kura Takata no Yume Aroma and Taste

Drinking at Craftsman Yokohama is an interesting experience: 31 different taps of beer but next to no explanation of the flavours or aromas of beer besides a “rough” idea of what the style of beer it is. With Iwate Kura Takata no Yume, it was clear that the menu had failed to do any justice to this beer. First of all, it resembled a glass of cloudy lemonade with a frothy white head on top that was neither massive not over the top; a massive surprise at Craftsman Yokohama. The aroma though was a pungent spiciness with yuzu coming through followed by a subtle sake-like aroma too from the rice. The malts were barely present with the adjuncts being the main exhibits on show.

Without knowing at first what was in the beer – the bar staff themselves didn’t know what was in the beer – the initial taste was “WTF!” until a quick bit of research on the phone helped out. It’s a refreshing beer but the flavours, well, there is so much going on in Iwate Kura Takata no Yume that it’s hard to pick out one flavour at one time. It would have been nice if they flavours were more nuanced as they did come across as initially strong until I had got used to them. The yuzu aftertaste was the strongest though there was a slight sake edge to it.

Iwate Kura Takata no Yume The Bottom Line

Iwate Kura Takata no Yume is a refreshing beer but with so much going on, it may be overpowering for some.

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