Nide Monster CIPA by Baird Beer

Nide Monster CIPA is a 7% IPA brewed by Baird Beer, based in Shizuoka, and it’s brewed for Nide Beer, who run Goodbeer Faucets and the online store too. It’s made with 5 different kinds of hops, though which hops are used are unknown at the time of writing,  and can be found as the house beer in the Shibuya and Fukuoka locations of Goodbeer Faucets. It used to be sold in bottles, though until the labels on the bottles change to indicate the “new” brewery location for Baird Beer, then it’s unknown if it will come out again.

Nide Monster CIPA

Is a monster really scary if there are bigger, bolder monsters out there?

Nide Monster CIPA Aroma and Taste

Nide Monster CIPA poured out a hazy orange brown colour and didn’t appear to be filtered in any way, and was adorned with a frothy white head that clung to the side of the glass. It had a distinct citrus aroma with pine in the follow up; however, neither aroma was as bold as I thought it was going to be, considering the name includes ‘monster’ in the title. There was some caramel aroma thrown in as well, but like the hops aromas, didn’t really linger for long.

The monster that I was hoping for didn’t appear in the body either – it’s kind of like the monster’s child of an IPA. The bitterness was subdued for an IPA of this strength and lacked a punch that I have become used to. Perhaps that’s the problem – perhaps I’ve become so accustomed to high ABV IPAs and IPAs with IBU’s of 100+ that this simply doesn’t register. The caramel flavours came through later on during drinking and there was some semblance of citrus bitterness in the aftertaste. Nide Monster CIPA was a nice refreshing beer but was quickly forgotten as the night wore on and the smoked porter came out.

Nide Monster CIPA The Bottom Line

Nide Monster CIPA is a nice introduction to the world of IPAs but don’t let the name fool you – this isn’t a blow-your-head-off IPA.

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