Kokage Helles by Cocono Hops

Kokage Helles is a 5 dortmunder style beer from Cocono Hop, based in Nagano, but brewed at Echigo Beer in Yuzawa, Niigata. It was first released in 2015 as part of the 100% organic range of craft beers. Besides that, not much information is known about this beer as there is none on the the Cocono Hop homepage either. At the time of writing, it can be found in both bottles and on tap too.

Kokage Helles

Simple beer for simple tastes.

Kokage Helles Aroma and Taste

Kokage Helles poured out a light golden yellow colour with a decent amount of head on top. The head quickly faded to a thin ring around the outside though merely seconds after pouring and the above picture was just in time as it had gone by the time I had put my camera down. It had a strong biscuit aroma to it with some hints of bread with it being a malt-dominated aroma. There was some hints of lemon in the nose but they were fleeting as the malts were the star of this beer.

The body was light and crisp with a slight caramel twang to the beer but again the lemon from the hops didn’t want to be forgotten and was present right through into the aftertaste as well. There also a hint of bitterness to Kokage Helles but it was only mildly noticeable when the beer was chilled. By the time it had warmed up, Kokage Helles was much sweeter though slightly cloying. The aftertaste was malt-centric with a muted sweetness staying on the palate with a faint sticky mouthfeel.

Kokage Helles One Line Review

Kokage Helles is a good attempt at helles beer though I recommend drinking it slightly chilled as it could become sickly sweet quickly.

Where to Buy Kokage Helles

Kokage Helles can be bought online at the following places:

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