Iwate Kura Nagisa by Sekinoichi Shuzo

Iwate Kura Nagisa is a 5% wild ale from Sekinoichi Shuzo, based in Iwate, Japan. It’s unique in that the brewers harvested yeast from the Hamayuri lily flower, better known as Liliaceae in its English name. The flower was once prevalent in the Kamaishi city area before the Great Tohoku earthquake in 2011, in particular along the coastal area. It was feared to have been lost in the area thought a year after the earthquake, new flowers were spotted and as such, the project was born. At the time of writing, Iwate Kura Nagisa is a limited edition release with no plans for future releases.

Iwate Kura Nagisa

How many flowers do you need to use to get enough yeast to harvest from?

Iwate Kura Nagisa Aroma and Taste

Iwate Kura Nagisa poured out a deep amber / copper colour with a minimal amount of head on top, less than finger, before collapsing into a thin ring around the side of the glass. It had light floral qualities to it that remind me of lilies – not a good thing as I’m not a fan of their potent fragrance. There was some caramel sweetness to it under all the floral aromas that did resemble beer. In all honesty, if someone hadn’t told me about the yeast from this beer coming from lilies, then I wouldn’t have guessed.

I guess I should have predicted it but the body of Iwate Kura Nagisa wasn’t too dissimilar from the nose. The caramel flavour was the strongest one by far but with some floral like flavours too going on. It wasn’t really that exciting a beer nor did it stand out from anything else I drank after it. In fact, the only reason I remember so much is that I wrote these notes about it.

Iwate Kura Nagisa One Line Review

Iwate Kura Nagisa is a forgettable attempt at a beer that could have, no, should have been so much better.

Where to Buy Iwate Kura Nagisa

Iwate Kura Nagisa can be bought online at the following places:

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