Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale by Ise Kadoya Brewery

Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale is Ise Kadoya Brewery’s take on the famous style of beer was once revered by Michael Jackson. No, not the singer, but the English beer journalist and the host of the tv show The Beer Hunter, essential viewing for any fan of beer. Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale uses Scottish yeast as the strain can handle beers with a high original gravity, with this beer having an abv of 7%. Moreover, it is a spring seasonal beer that is usually released in April.

Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale

No head on this beer. A tad cloudy though.

Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale Aroma and Taste

The first thing I noticed with Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale is how cloud the beer was. It certainly wasn’t from condensation on the side of the glass as particulates could be seen floating around in the beer. Scotch ales are notorious for not having much head on them and Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale was no different with the faintest of white bubbles clinging to the side of the glass. The pungent malts produced a strong caramel aroma along with some burntness to the smell as well.

Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale didn’t live to its star billing either. The burnt caramel taste in the body was not pleasant as it was overly sweet and eventually sickly sweet – it skipped out the cloying step completely. I’ll give it something, in that Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale is incredibly easy drinking as the alcohol was well-hidden in the mess of malts.

Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale One Line Review

I don’t know what Michael Jackson drank but it certainly wasn’t this version of Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale. Give it a miss.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale

Ise Kadoya Scotch Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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