Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise by Noboribetsu Beer

Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise is a 5% lambic beer from Noboribetsu Brewpub, based in Noboribetsu city in Hokkaido, about 60kms south-west of Sapporo city. Ki Ichigo, or raspberry in English thus making this beer a raspberry raspberry beer, are slowly becoming a popular fruit in Japan, with their appearance becoming more common since 2014. It uses locally sourced raspberries from across Hokkaido. At the time of writing, Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise can be found on draft and supposedly in bottles, though we’re yet to see it in the latter anywhere.

Beer Cafe Camiya Onidensetsu Beer Framboise

Lots of raspberries in this one.

Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise Aroma and Taste

Framboise beers aren’t that common in Japan, which is surprising considering some of the fruitier concoctions that are available in Japanese stores. Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise came up a pinkish colour, very similar to the flesh from a pink grapefruit, with a clean white head on top. The aroma was definitely a framboise, with some hints of malts in the mix too but they were faint.

The body was fairly sour with hints of sweetness – the berries are the star and really the be-all-and-end all of Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise. It was lightly carbonated, so not some kind of gassy mess like K’s Brewmaster Amaou Noble Sweet was but it was just as fruity. It finished off a tad sour and was slightly yeasty too.

Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise One Line Review

Noboribetsu Ki Ichigo Framboise is nothing spectacular and was instantly forgotten after drinking it.

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