Umenishiki Yamakawa Information

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Umenishiki Yamakawa is a Japanese craft beer brewery located in Ehime prefecture, Japan. Like most craft beer breweries after the relaxation of the laws in 1996,  they started life out as a sake distillery before making the move into beer production, way back in the Meiji period in 1872. They produce their beers used malts imported from Australia and hops from Germany.  The majority of their beers are bottled and exported to overseas markets, with the USA being one of the biggest markets for them

Umenishiki Yamakawa Line up.

The following beers are part of the all-year round lineup.

  • Umenishiki Pilsner – a 5.5% pilsner brewed to a traditional German recipe that won numerous awards in the mid-2000’s
  • Umenishiki Bock –  a 7% dunkler bock, or a dark bock, brewed to a German recipe.
  • Umenishiki Aromatic Ale – an 8.5% Belgian strong ale that uses some herbs sourced from the local gardens on-site.
  • Umenishiki Weizen – a 5.5% German kristallweizen brewed to a strict German recipe.
  • Umenishiki Blanche – a 5% witbier style beer that is classified as a happoshu due to the large amounts of iyokan used during brewing.

Umenishiki Yamakawa Limited and Seasonal Lineup

The following is a list of limited and seasonal beers that we’ve tried. This list will grow in the future.

Umenishiki Yamakawa Details

Address: 〒799-0194 Ehime-ken, Shikokuchuou-shi, Kaneda-cho, Kanekawa 14

Homepage: Japanese / English

SNS: Facebook

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