Nagisa Eyepatch Stout by Nagisa Beer

Nagisa Eyepatch Stout is a 5% stout from Nagisa Beer that is part of their winter line up and can be found in both bottles and on tap. This review is of the draft version I had at Biere Cave Jan Bar before realising there was a bottled version of it. Not much is known about the ingredients besides Nagisa Eyepatch Stout containing caramel malt and roasted malt along with two different kinds of hops too.

Nagisa Eyepatch StoutNagisa Eyepatch Stout Aroma and Taste

Nagisa Eyepatch Stout poured out a deep brown colour with a slightly off-white head of less than a finger. The head didn’t have much of a strong lacing as it disappeared quickly as the beer went down. The caramel malts came through the strongest of the aromas though there was a secondary layer of coffee and chocolate, along with  a hint of vanilla in the mix as well.

The body though was a major let down for me as it was simply too thin to hold up the flavours and ended up being more watery stout than a solid beer. The caramel flavours were again the strongest in the mix along with a crisp dryness to it that got lost with the wateriness. It felt quite bland besides a faint hint of chocolate and I guess what could have been considered to be coffee.

Nagisa Eyepatch Stout One Line Review

With so many other stouts around, I would suggest passing up on Nagisa Eyepatch Stout and trying something else.

Where to Buy Nagisa Eyepatch Stout

Nagisa Eyepatch Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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