Baird Maris Otter 50 – ESBaird by Baird Beer

Baird Maris Otter, or to give it its full name Baird Maris Otter 50 – ESBaird, is a 6% English style bitter from Baird Beer that was released in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Maris Otter. It was first released in August 2015 as part of a selection of beers around the world that used Maris Otter and ended up taking third place in the competition it entered too. At the time of writing,Baird Maris Otter is a limited edition release and we don’t know what the plans for it are – will it morph into a new Baird Beer or not?

Baird Maris Otter 50 - ES Baird

A deep golden brown colour.

Baird Maris Otter 50 – ESBaird Aroma and Taste

A quick history about Maris Otter is needed. Maris Otter is a type of malt used in brewing that lends itself well as a base malt for ales – something that is used in large quantities to create the sugars needed for the yeast to work on. From that, other malts may be added to provide different flavours, colours, and textures too. It is floor-malted, which means that the malt is laid out on a drying floor and turned by hand rather than using massive drying kilns that have since sped up the process of drying malt. Floor-malting is thus more expensive than kiln dried malt.

Back to the review…

Baird Maris Otter poured out a deep golden-brown colour with a creamy, white head on top. The aroma coming off of it was a large biscuit aroma – something similar to digestive biscuits. This was a very malt forward beer and lacked the usual citrus hoppy aroma that is associated with a lot of the Baird Beer range. Instead, there was a sweeter aroma that was honey-like and helped round off the biscuit aromas.

The body was as malty as the aroma and much drier than I thought it would be. The biscuity taste was present along with a sweetness of honey again but it worked well as the carbonation of Baird Maris Otter 50 – ES Baird was at a good level. Of course, as this was bottle conditioned, there was some yeast floating around at the bottom of the bottle but nothing that will cause any damage to the taste. It finished off with a light twang of caramel and a subtle bitterness that was of a blink-and-miss-it level.

Baird Maris Otter 50 – ESBaird One Line Review

Baird Maris Otter is a nice little English special bitter that is worth trying.

Where to Buy Baird Maris Otter 50 – ESBaird

Baird Maris Otter is a limited edition beer at the time of writing. I got my bottle from Liquors Hasegawa though it has been seen at the Baird Bashamichi Taproom

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