Baird BB15 Bay Steam by Baird Beer

If you’ve been following Baird Beer’s celebrations for its 15th anniversary, you might have had Baird BB15 Bay Steam already as well as some of the other beers of the BB15 range. This is one of Bryan Baird’s first beers he brewed; something that resembles a San Francisco’s Anchor Brewing Anchor Steam, a California commons style beer. Baird BB15 Bay Steam, which has an abv of 5%, was also one of the original beers on tap at the Baird Numazu Taproom back in 2001; however, this one became the Red Rose Amber Ale.

Baird BB15 Bay Steam

A deep red colour with a slight sweetness to it.

Baird BB15 Bay Steam Aroma and Taste

Once I heard that Baird BB15 Bay Steam morphed into the Baird Red Rose Amber Ale, it was tough to get that flavour profile out of my head. The looks are very similar: a deep reddish-brown colour that was cloudy and possessed a meagre white head. It would have been interesting to drink these two beers side-by-side but that’s hindsight for you. There was a definite roasted malt aroma, with a strong aroma of caramel, a detectable fruit tartness and some creaminess lurking in there too.

It’s even more apparent in the taste how Baird BB15 Bay Steam evolved into Baird Red Rose Amber Ale – the biscuit taste and caramel are stronger in this than its younger sibling along with a thicker texture to the body too. It definitely felt like more of hearty beer too. The aftertaste carried on the caramel theme with it lingering on the palate before a smidgen of yeast breadiness came through.

Baird BB15 Bay Steam One Line Review

I would be more than happy if Baird BB15 Bay Steam came back as part of the year-round lineup of Baird Beers, having missed it first time around in 2001.

Where to Buy Baird BB15 Bay Steam

Baird BB15 Bay Steam is a limited edition release beer. At the time of writing, you might be lucky to get a bottle of it from the Bashamichi Taproom. It can be bought online at the following places:

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