Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout by Tamamura Honten

Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout is a summer seasonal beer from Tamamura Honten that is a 5% dry stout, also sometimes known as an Irish-style stout. The reason why the appellation “domestic” has been added to the name is that Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout is brewed using locally sourced barley that is organically grown at the Tamamura Honten estate at the foot of Shiga Kogen.

Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout

Dry and lively. No chance of a mild beer from Tamamura Honten.

Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout Aroma and Taste

The only organic beer I know off is the SunSun Organic beer produced by Yo-Ho Brewing which, well wasn’t great, but straight from the get go, Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout is lively and looks eager to please. The body was a pitch black colour, in fact, it was totally black. NASA scientists should study this beer as they might find something to help them look at black holes in more detail. Scientists looking for the blackest substance known to man could possibly use Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout as a trial. It was stunning to look at, though the frothy tan head had a structure like honeycomb – light and fluffy and moreish. The aroma was malty with a large amount of chocolate malts and with some roasted sugar and a little charred wood.

With “dry” in the title, I had a bad image of Asahi Super Dry levels of blandness but I needn’t have worried. Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout is so dry that moisture will leave your tongue via osmosis to try to hydrate the beer but it’s not cloying and nor it is over-rich. The chocolate taste is present but not over-sweet nor is it sickly; however, there is a touch of schwarzbierness to the beer with some smokiness and carbonation to it. Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout finished off as it started, with a dry, chocolate kick that sucks you, and the moisture from your mouth, in for me.

Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout One Line Review

Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout is drier than dry but more flavourful than you would expect. A definite drinker.

Where to Buy Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout

Shiga Kogen Domestic Dry Stout can be bought from around June from the Tamamura Honten online store here. I’ve also seen it on sale at here, Liquors Hasegawa too, and also at Yamaoka.

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