Miyajima Caramel Blonde by Miyajima Beer

by Rob

Miyajima Caramel Blonde came recommended to us from a reader on Twitter who pointed out that we had forgotten to include Miyajima Beer on our Craft Beer Map of Japan (Check it out – it’s great!). Miyajima Caramel Blonde is a 4.5% golden ale that is brewed all year round and is based on a traditional recipe from Cologne, Germany. Moreover, it is an unfiltered beer so be careful when pouring it (unlike I was!)

Miyajima Caramel Blonde

Simple, yet effective bottle design. I like it.

Miyajima Caramel Blonde Aroma and Taste

I’ve never heard of a blonde ale coming from Cologne, and neither have I heard of a caramel blonde ale coming from anywhere at all. All I knew about this beer beforehand was that major fact. Was it artificially infused with caramel flavours or was there lots of caramel malt used in the mash? I wanted answers to these questions but nothing could be found that would satiate my hunger for knowledge.

Miyajima Caramel Blonde poured out a cloudy golden colour that had a frothy, ever-so-slight-off-white head on top of it. But the caramel sweetness came bursting through this, without an excuse-me or an apology. It smelt like a Fuller’s Honey Ale (which I drunk in my youth) and was also doused with some jam-like qualities too, and a strong sugary smell. It was much stronger than I had anticipated, but it was soothing and pleasant rather than offensive and jarring.

However, the strong aromas were not present in the body, rather the soothing qualities had been brought out instead. The honey and caramel malts were the main tastes in Miyajima Caramel Blonde but they did develop into a moderate bitterness that contrasted nicely with the sweet tastes. There wasn’t too much going in, but what there was, was well-balanced.

Miyajima Caramel Blonde One Line Review

Miyajima Caramel Blonde is an easy-going beer worth finding but the sweetness may put some people off.

Where to Buy Miyajima Caramel Blonde

Miyajima Caramel Blonde can be bought online at the following places:

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