Oh! La! Ho Kolsch by Oh! La! Ho Beer

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch. Celebration time again. Jump and shout and make some noise for the craft beer from Tomi, Nagano. Oh! La! Ho Kolsch is a kölsch style beer by Oh! La! Ho Beer that is also marketed as a premium local beer, aka 地ビール. You can hear the death sentence being passed down already. There is nothing wrong with 地ビール per se, more a case of bad experiences. Oh! La! Ho Kolsch did win an award you know, back in 2000, at some unknown beer competition, so it must be worth something. RIGHT?!

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch

I can just imagine the seven dwarves chanting Oh! La! Ho in a Japanese version of Snow White.

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch Aroma and Taste

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch poured out standard looking; a light straw body with a voluminous head that did not linger for longer than a minute. Perhaps two as I am feeling generous as I sit and write this. Aroma. Not much but there is some that are on the citrus side of the scale. Nothing really to rave on about besides being standard kölsch-like really.

With beers such as Oh! La! Ho Kolsch, when they are so standard, I wonder if that is a good thing or a bad thing? Are breweries looking for people to try them because they are safe or worried about offending people’s taste buds. Oh! La! Ho Kolsch falls very much into the safe camp and is not offensive in any way or form to the taste buds. A wee bit of hops comes through, as does some creaminess along with sweetness adding to the mix as well, that all leads to a damp squib of dryness.

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch One Line Review

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch is a safe kölsch for safe people looking for a safe evening in without looking to offend their taste buds.

Where to Buy Oh! La! Ho Kolsch

Oh! La! Ho Kolsch was a souvenir from someone who visited Nagano; however, it has been seen in La Collier in Tokyo station. It can also be bought online from the Nagano Mall site here. It can also be picked up from World Beer Market here.


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