Fujizakura Heights Rauch by Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu

I seem to be drinking all of the beers from Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu. Not a bad thing but Fujizakura Heights Rauch is a new style of beer for me. Rauch, which means smoked beer in English, is a German style beer that is brewed using malted barley that has been dried over a flame. People really do like making beer difficult sometimes don’t they? I guess it would be akin to someone using bourbon barrels for whiskey. It’s also won a few awards too over the years, only about fifty plus.

Fujizakura Heights Rauch

Um, there was some liquid beer from the bottle

Fujizakura Heights Rauch Aroma and Taste

Fujizakura Heights Rauch didn’t have the best of pours for me. It seemed to froth up with the meagerest of agitation, no more than moving the bottle from a horizontal position to a vertical one, and the head took a long time to subside before I could drink anything of it. But the vast quantity of head could not hide the smokiness that traverses upwards and onwards from Fujizakura Heights Rauch. The deep bronze colour of the body did not appear to have any sediment in it either, nor was there a smoke machine either, yet where was the smokiness coming from?

The only other experience I have had of a smokey beer is from BBQs where I have left my beer close to the firepit and had ash and whatever else has entered the bottle. Fujizakura Heights Rauch reminded me so much of a BBQ that when I drank it, I swore I could taste a smoked meat of some kind. Perhaps ham or another pork product, but it made Fujizakura Heights Rauch taste moreish and I couldn’t put it down. A sweetness was left on my tongue with some caramel tones to it yet had I become hooked on a new style of beer for me?

Fujizakura Heights Rauch One Line Review

Fujizakura Heights Rauch was a new style of beer for me, one that has got me hooked now. Go find it and buy it.

Where to Buy Fujizakura Heights Rauch

We picked up our bottle of Fujizakura Heights Rauch from Kōfu station, but it can also be bought online at the Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu homepage here.

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Mr. OK Jazz December 4, 2017 - 4:00 pm

I love rauch beers. Schlenkerla Rauchbier from Germany used to be on sale at Tanaka-Ya in Mejiro. First time I opened one my wife called out from the other room ‘what are you burning?’

Rob December 4, 2017 - 10:33 pm

A decent rauchbier reminds me of smoked bacon – just the whole meaty umami smokiness followed up with some rich caramel flavours. Drank a bottle of Schlenkerla Rauchbier last month and boy, had me trying to hunt down more!

David February 22, 2019 - 6:56 pm

I’m sat in “moya moya base” – a craft beer bar in Sapporo and used your comments to help me try this incredible Smokey beer on draft. Quite an after taste!

Rob February 27, 2019 - 3:04 pm

Thanks for the comment! Hope you liked it – its unique taste is certainly different among Japanese craft beer.


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