Baird Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale by Baird Beer

Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale is, dum dum duuuuum, a scotch ale produced by Baird Beer. Scotland is known for its whisky but not so much for its beers. Due to lack of sun, nothing grows up there. Jokes aside, some stuff does grow, such as one of beer’s most important ingredients – barley.

Baird Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale

Baird yabai yabai pure tough cratur ale (courtesy of Scots translator)

Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale Aroma and Taste

Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale didn’t appear to be in any rush to gloop out of the bottle and into the glass. The deep mahogany colour contrasted sharply with the off-white head that was hesitant to develop but when it did, it lasted. The body was such a lovely colour to look at that I almost, ALMOST, forgot to smell it but glad I did. Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale smelt of toffee and biscuits and would have gone well with some nice cheddar cheese if I had any, but then drinking craft beer in Japan isn’t cheap.

Scotch ales tends to be more towards the barley flavours and Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale is no different. Hops are present but don’t go expecting them to make any grand entrance. It has a smooth, velvet caramel taste to it that caresses your throat making it feel warm and loved. Clocking in at about 9%, you would have trouble finding that alcohol in the taste as it is either well-hidden by the malt nuttiness or the peat notes that finish up Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale.

Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale One Line Review

Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale is a great example of a scotch ale done well. If you can still find it, buy it and appreciate it.

Where to Buy Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale

Yabai Yabai Strong Scotch Ale can be bought in bottles or on draft from Baird Beer Taprooms annually September 21st for a limited period. If you can’t get to a Baird Beer Taproom, then try the Baird Beer online store here or GoodBeer here.


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