Thrash Zone Yokohama in Yokohama

Thrash Zone sounded like some dodgy, off-the-beaten track bar when I first heard about almost a decade ago now in 2006. It was originally on a second floor and if you scour the internet hard enough, you’ll find a picture of BeerTengoku at that bar looking worse for wear. Thrash Zone is essentially an outlet for Thrashzone Brew Labo beers with most of them having an abv from 7% to 10%.

Thrash Zone Entrance

If you can see the tiny amp out front, then you’ve found Thrash Zone. Else, if you can hear the music, you’ve also found Thrash Zone

Located about a five-minute walk from Yokohama station, Thrash Zone is found on the first floor of what appears to be a residential block, surrounded by apartment blocks. We’ve been there numerous times throughout the week (sometimes as early as midday while also late at night before closing) The atmosphere has always been better towards the end of the evening, when the bar starts to fill up from 8pm or as early as 6pm on a Friday. The bar is non-smoking both inside and also in the general vicinity; however, there is a park nearby where you can smoke.

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Inside, Thrash Zone is decked out with Marshall stack amps up along the back wall, but I suspect that it is panelling. Posters around the outside shore up as decoration around the bar, and plenty of metal music playing. It’s always been present with sometimes thrash metal or heavy metal, or on the rarest of occasions, some 80’s hair metal. If you don’t like that kind of music then it is possible to ignore it, if you put headphones on as I’ve seen some people do from time-to-time.

Thrash Zone Beer List

The beer list is written up on a massive chalkboard behind the bar.

BeerTengoku doesn’t seem to have much luck with beer recently, as shown in the Craftheads in Shibuya review here, as most of the beers were sold out. Thrash Zone sells predominantly its own beer, with a few other Japanese craft beers thrown in. Since our original review in November 2014, the amount of Japanese craft beers have decreased to just Hidatakayama with the remainder of the domestic craft beers being Thrashzone Brew Labo’s own creations. Not that is a bad thing but the Morbid Red has slowly been increasing in ABV as well since that board above. It’s been as high as 7.5% though the website doesn’t list it as that high.

The in-house beers are good and well-priced at ¥700/¥800 for a US pint size serving, and half size at ¥500/¥600. The beers from other breweries were pricier at ¥1000/¥700 respectively. On the last few occasions we’ve been though, there hasn’t been much choice from the Thrash Zone selection. There are also seasonsals throughout the year, such as the Thrashzone Envenom (a summer seasonal 11% barleywine) and Thrashzone World Downfall Stout (a winter 7.6% stout).

Thrash Zone Beers
Taiki-san pouring out a beer. Another experienced craft beer man. His father is the factory manager Tazawako brewery.
Thrash Zone Speed Kills IPA
Speed Kills IPA. A potent 7.8% beer.
Thrash Zone Morbid Red
Morbid Red. A 6.5% - 7.5% amber/red ale that is highly recommended.

Food wise. Those chips you see on the menu are no longer there. There is nothing besides some nuts and giant corn at Thrash Zone that requires a small donation. That’s it. If you’re really hungry, then you can always pop across the road to the convini near by, or Sukiya for a beef bowl.

Thrash Zone Yokohama One Paragraph review

Thrash Zone isn’t a place for chatting or socialising or dates. It’s a place where you go to get assaulted by some thrash metal music and drink strong beers. We’ve been here a few times and the atmosphere varies. At times, it’s a good laugh while at other times, it’s quieter than a church, besides the thrash metal music. Tax is included in the price and there is no table charge either. However, there is no WiFi.

Thrash Zone Yokohama Details

Open: Monday to Friday 16:00 〜 23:30 (L.O 23:00) Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays 12:00 〜 23:30 (L.O 23:00)

Website: Thrash Zone homepage

How to Get to Thrash Zone Yokohama

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Christopher Phillips January 13, 2015 - 11:07 am

Nice site. A lot of work. Thank you.
I think Thrash Zone has plenty of atmosphere and its hard for me to avoid a conversation when I’m I there. Horses and courses, perhaps.
Good work and keep it up.
Have we met? We must have.
I’m Chuwy (drunk Welsh guy who often double fists pints and forgets stuff).
p.s. Japanese brewers have been making high alc beers for a while before Thrash zone started brewing. Best I can think of are Minoh WIPA (from way back when) and the Hakusekikan beers (super vintage and hurricane being awesome). Thrash aren’t the first but they are slowly becoming one of the better ones. Slowly!

Rob January 13, 2015 - 4:37 pm

We’ll go there again at some point and re-write the review. The previous location, upstairs on the second floor, was much more entertaining I thought but perhaps we went on a dead quiet night and no-one else was there.
Thanks for the comment. Don’t think we’ve met – I would remember someone double fisting in Thrash Zone. 😀
Minoh W-IPA is a good example of a good beer. Hakusekikan beers? Are those from Ibaragi? Will try and hunt some down.

Chuwy January 4, 2016 - 9:55 pm

The chips are gone now. Instead you can help yourself to pretzels or nuts. No thanks.

Simon January 5, 2016 - 12:32 am

Definitely needs a rewrite. Those are Marshall stack lookalikes (not Fender!) and most of the non-Thrashzone beers have always tended to be from the US west coast, with just a couple of Japanese brews. Look at that chalkboard! Green Flash (CA), Coronado (CA), Lagunitas (CA), North Coast (CA), Coronado (CA) again, Scutlebutt (WA).

Rob January 5, 2016 - 8:34 am

Yeah, it’s definitely changed since the original review and going to sit down and go through it again over the next couple of days.
The amount of Japanese beers has decreased over time, with only Hidatakyama on tap now as the only non-Thrashzone Brew Labo on tap.

Jay May 23, 2016 - 4:29 pm

Good beer. Too bad the owner is a sourpuss. Also, why is the thrash metal being played at barely audible, elevator music levels?

Rob May 25, 2016 - 12:35 pm

The music does vary, you’re right there. Sometimes it’s blaring out and at other times, quiet. Guess the neighbours complained?


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