Coedo Kyara by Coedo Brewery

Coedo Kyara is another of Coedo’s stalwarts and one of their beers that came highly rated from an ex-coworker of mine before they departed for colder climes. Coedo Kyara is a cross between an amber ale and a Vienna lager. It is one of Coedo’s few beers that comes in both bottles and cans, but we’re not going to get into that difficult decision about which is better.

Coedo Kyara Aroma and Taste

Coedo Kyara pours out a dirty, amber brown colour that looks like someone has dumped in some dirt. The body didn’t settle out so I assume that it is supposed to look like this, not the most appetising of beers really. The head was an off-white colour with a tinge of brown. Someone must have loved their malt as it smelt like someone had dumped a truck load and then some as malt wafted off of it. Heck, it smelt stronger than the kimchi in front of me. Thankfully the grapefruit and floral notes from the hops snapped me out of my drunken malt haze as I thought I was a goner.

Drinking Coedo Kyara is a pleasure – the maltiness lingers for a long time. Remember that kimchi I had? Well I could still taste the malt over the kimchi I ate. Slightly sweet, the malt lingers on the tastebuds longer than I would have liked but the hops brought some more grapefruit to the palate that produced a slightly bitter aftertaste. However, the malt dominates over the other flavours, even in the aftertaste.

Coedo Kyara One-line Review

Coedo Kyara is bold and brash with its maltiness and is a marmite/vegemite beer, you’ll either love it or hate it because of the malt.

Where to Buy Coedo Kyara

Coedo Kyara is one of Coedo’s popular beers and is widely available in most department stores and independent stores.

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