Daigo Weizen by Daigo Brewery

Daigo Weizen, sometimes advertised as Yamizo Morino Daigo Weizen, is a German hefeweizen style beer from Daigo Brewery. There isn’t much information out there on the net. Heck, even the brewery homepage doesn’t seem to exist either anymore but they’re still making beer at the time of writing.

Daigo Weizen

If I can touch it then it exists. If it exist then someone is making it. But who?

Daigo Weizen Aroma and Taste

Daigo Weizen doesn’t pour out with much life to it. It limps out of the bottle to produce a vaguely hazy straw-like beer with minimal head. There is so little head that the white rim around the glass is it. Seriously. If I had taken a photo from above looking down, you would the beer and no head. The aroma is pretty clean and distinctively weizen. Daigo Weizen has the aroma of bananas, cloves, and little bit of citrus to spicen things up.

The body of Daigo Weizen ticks all the boxes for a weizen? Wheat? Check. Banana taste? Check. Cloves? Check. It’s all there and by the numbers really. The most surprising taste about this beer is the slight earthiness that lends itself to the aftertaste.

Daigo Weizen One-Line Review

Daigo Weizen isn’t an exciting beer and isn’t going to make an all-time list of great beers, but it is a good introductory beer to the world of weizens.

Where to Buy Daigo Weizen

Daigo Weizen can be bought online at GoodBeer.jp here. At the time of writing, I hadn’t seen it on sale elsewhere.

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