Craft Liquors

craft liquors

Craft Liquors is an online shop that sells Japanese craft beer more from the Kansai and Kyushu regions of Japan. They do sell some beers from other parts of Japan, but as Craft Liquors is based in Tokyo, most of their stock comes from near Tokyo. However, some of the smaller craft beer breweries such as Hideji Beer and Hiryoyuki Beer are also represented here.

In terms of ordering, Craft Liquors offers up its goods from its own website, so no awkward Rakuten ordering. The ordering process is simple, and the options are wide and varied. Want to choose by brewery? You can. Want to choose by style? Guess what? You can. While has more options than Craft Liquors, the price is slightly cheaper on Craft Liquors.

Craft Liquors Cheap

Many of the discounted beers come with free shipping.

Craft Liquors also has a large array of goods that are on discount. You can pick up some bargains there if you like buying your beers in bulk. Moreover, Craft Liquors also sells tickets to some of the major festivals across Japan as well as some craft beer goods, such as t-shirts, stickers, and the like.

Shipping is varies across the range of goods though. If you are a reader in Kanto or Koshinetsu then you luck out as some goods have free shipping. Some goods also have free shipping across Japan if you’re lucky as well.


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