Iwate Kura Red Ale by Sekinoichi Shuzo

Iwate Kura Red Ale is a 5% Irish red ale from Sekinoichi Shuzo, based in Iwate, Japan. Available in both cask and bottled form, it won a gold award at the 2007 International Beer Competition.

Iwate Kura Red Ale

Iwate Kura’s Red Ale has a nice bottle.

Iwate Kura Red Ale Aroma & Taste

Iwate Kura Red Ale pours out a deep amber-red colour with a slight head that lingers for longer than expected. The aroma is pleasantly nutty with some malty notes to it that stick around in your nose in for a while. A sweet caramel aroma is also amongst the mix as well that balances well with the nuttiness.

Iwate Kura Red Ale tastes like cross between a red ale and an Irish ale; slightly sweet with a malty flavour that follows it up. The caramel is also noticeably present in the taste. With a bitter aftertaste from the hops that does not last for long, it reinforces its position of being a cross between a red ale and an Irish ale.

Iwate Kura Red Ale One-line Review

Iwate Kura Red Ale is an interesting hybrid between a red ale and Irish ale (I think I mentioned that already) that is worth trying if you can find it.

Where to Buy Iwate Kura Red Ale

Iwate Kura Red Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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