Home Beer Review Hitachino Nest Amber Ale by Kiuchi Brewery

Hitachino Nest Amber Ale by Kiuchi Brewery

by BeerTengoku Writer
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Hitachino Nest Amber AleHitachino Nest Amber Ale comes out- surprise!- as a nice amber mahogany colour, with a decent head and a light nose. The flavour is complex and layered; my notes included a lot of question marks. It’s bitter, so bitter, dry and woody, with smoke and roast malt nuances. Much like the Pale Ale reviewed here, the flavour is so pronounced that it’ll stay in your mouth, nose and on your tongue all evening; it’ll also put you off your chess game something fierce.

Hitachino Nest Amber Ale One Line Review

Hitachino Nest Amber Ale might be too bitter for some, but it could be a perfect complement to the sweetness of the Pale Ale. I enjoyed it. Did I mention it’s bitter?

Where to Buy Hitachino Nest Amber Ale

This is available in department stores, online here, and found in alcohol stores.


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