Heisei Futou Fukutsu is an 8% double IPA from Heisei Brewing, based in Nagaoka, in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their winter lineup and can be found in both bottles…
Winter Seasonal
Looking for some Japanese winter seasonal craft beers? We’ve got you covered.
North Island Belgian Stout is a smooth example of a style of stout that is light on the palate.
Black Tide Times Four isn’t about the hops, but more about the malts – a good change from the brewers at Black Tide Brewing.
Maybe a beer for sharing, but who is caring when it tastes as good as this. Black Tide Midnight Flame – drink at night but at midnight?
Honey, it’s cold outside! Well come and warm up with a can of Two Rabbits Fuck It’s Cold.
Two Rabbits are becoming our go to brewery for Christmas beers – another hit with Two Rabbits Barrel Aged Christmas Ale.
Wonderfully balanced whiskey barrel aged imperial stout from Minamishinshu Beer – definitely a surprise beer that is worth hunting down.
Arch Imperial Stout is an 8% imperial stout from Arch Brewery, based in Iwaguni, in Yamaguchi, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles…
Locobeer Old American Bock is a 7% bock from Locobeer, based in Sakura, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their winter lineup and can be found in both bottles and…
Two Rabbits Christmas Ale is an 8% spiced beer from Two Rabbits Brewing Company, based in Omihachiman, in Shiga, Japan. It’s part of their 2020 Winter seasonal lineup and can…